
July 2011

CSS: Two columns equal height, one fixed, the other fluid width

To save others the time and hassle, here’s my lesson learned: don’t try it.  No matter how close you can get with CSS, after almost a day of searching and experimentation, I eventually fell back to this:

Why?  At some point in time I had the basics working (in all browsers!), but then I tried to add another div ce… Read more

Mercurial: “hg push” over ssh, remote says “permission denied”

I spent a decent amount of time figuring out this vague error message, so perhaps this post can save someone else some hassle.  I found that many people encountered this problem, posted it on some online forum, but no one gave a clear answer.  So here is one possible solution:

Suppose you set up a remote Mercurial repository, cloned it locally via SSH to your m… Read more