

Socket.io 1.4 to 1.7.2 temporary fix for #2405: Server socket id doesn’t match client’s socket id

If you’re affected by the major change outlined by this reported issue here’s a temporary fix you may want to try to get things working again without having to change all of your own code:

find . -name "socket.io.js" -exec sed -i -e 's/socket\.id \= self\.engine\.id;/socket\.id \= socket\.nsp \+ "\#" \+ self\.engine\.
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Socket.io 1.3.2: client events received in browsers prior to all JS being loaded

FireFox experiences a race condition between the loading of code in scripts and receiving socket.io events if a socket establishes a connection concurrently with the loading of scripts.  If a socket.io client in FireFox connects to the socket.io server in a script, but there are socket event handlers yet to be loaded (or general JS yet to be loaded), even… Read more

Socket.io 1.2.0: Handling global authorization events when client connects to a custom namespace

The documentation on socket.io’s page and its GitHub page are inconsistent (namely due to the latter being out of date, but contains information not covered by the former). A problem arises when using global authorization middleware on the server, having a client trying to connect to a custom namespace, and having the server deny access to the conne… Read more