

Offline speech recognition in Android will fail immediately if the language input and voice input do not match

If your Android app uses speech recognition (i.e. enables the RecognizerIntent EXTRA_PREFER_OFFLINE), you may run into an issue where the offline recognition immediately fails even though you have the offline language files installed on your device.

Ensure that the language input in Keyboard & Language settings and in the Google Voice Input (whic… Read more

cordova-plugin-stripe 1.5.3 manifest merger will fail with update to com.support.android to 26.0.0

If you’ve recently upgraded your Android SDK and end up getting these errors in your Ionic/Cordova projects, you may need to install the cordova-android-support-gradle-release plugin (via cordova plugin add):

Manifest merger failed : Attribute meta-data#android.support.VERSION@value value=(25.3.1) from [com.android.support:appcom
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