Casual Events: a free alternative to Meetup

I have released a new app called Casual Events.  Check it out here.

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Of all the degeneracy and anti-social behaviour that social media has wrought, Meetup, while not strictly “social media”, is probably one of the more “social” things to emerge from the Internet. Certainly more social than say Facebook or T… Read more

The new 2019 Lotto Max payout scheme: more ways to lose money!

Before I even updated my Lotto Max Calculator with the new payouts, I knew right away the OLG wanted to accomplish two things with their changes to Lotto Max:

  1. Multiple draws per week, slightly more (but more difficult) ways to win non-jackpot prizes will allow them to say “more ways to win!” as well as …
  2. “Bigger jackpots!” whi
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Ionic 4 + Angular 7: Checking whether the generic parent of a component is the active page

There’s no straightforward way yet in getting the parent component of a component via dependency injection without knowing the type of the parent component. This poses a problem if you want your component consumed by many different types of parent components.

A common scenario where this problem occurs is an Ionic 4 app with several pages that use so… Read more

ngx-translate: translate your JSON file to other languages

For Angular 2/3/4/5/6/7 developers, use this gadget to translate your en.json file.

This is relevant for developers that use @ngx-translate/core similar to the following in app.module:

import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoader } from '@ngx-translate/core';

/* ... */
  imports: [
      loader: {
        provide: Translat
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Ionic 4 Beta: what it means if your Ionic component is not “hydrated” (visibility: hidden rather than visibility: inherit)

Since documentation and StackOverflow answers are currently sparse for Ionic 4, this tip may hopefully help you save a lot of time debugging if you are transitioning a project from Ionic 3 to Ionic 4.

If you discover one of your components is missing the “hydrated” class, a class programmatically applied to Ionic 4 components at run-time (your … Read more

Extortion e-mail scams are on the rise again: the importance of using unique passwords

Have you been getting spam mail that looks like this recently?

I know [password redacted] one of your password. Lets get directly to the purpose. You may not know me and you are most likely thinking why you’re getting this e mail? No one has compensated me to check about you.

Well, I installed a software on the xxx vids (sex sites) web-site and you know what

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Why mining cryptocurrency is unprofitable — an anecdote

Long story short:

  • had a particular machine mining XMR for less than a year
  • the CPU fans have worn out their bearings after spinning non-stop during that time
  • fans are now making loud high-pitched noises, filling my living quarters with unbearable noise, while simultaneous threatening a fried CPU

The cost of replacing the fans?  About twice as much as the eq… Read more

Angular 2/3/4/5: change detection on data-bound array push/unshift, pop/shift or splice

Suppose you have a component and have bound an array variable to an input property, like so:

<myComponent [arrayInput]="myArray"></myComponent>

Suppose you were to modify the contents of myArray via its standard array methods such as push(x), pop(), unshift(x), shift(), or splice(i, c). You may notice that myComponent does n… Read more

Solr 7: match exactly one TextField, fuzzy search the others

Disclaimer: I just recently started tinkering with Solr, so this may not be the “textbook” solution to this problem — but it works!

Say you wish to categorize your documents in a hierarchy. For example, you want to have a pet search engine, and you want to bucket the pets accordingly:

Dog (mammal)

Dogs are domesticated mammals, not natural w

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How to replace the default search icon with a custom Ionicon in an Ionic 3 Searchbar

The icon for the Ionic 3 Searchbar is a hard-coded SVG written in SCSS rules. In particular, they are saved under the following variables:

$searchbar-ios-input-search-icon-svg: "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 13 13'>
  <path fill='fg-color' d='M5,1c2.2,0,4,1.8,4,4S7.2,9,5,9S1,7.2,1,5S2.8,1,5,1 M5,0C
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